In the year 2015, a man named Dohicky Bojangles (yes that is his real name) left his childhood home to be shipped off to college. His parents, Ben Bojangles and Majorie Bojangles, couldn't care less about their son. When he moved out, Dohicky took a plane to LSU, his home for the next few years. There, he met his roomate, Bobby Boon. da funni


Just within his 1st year, Dohicky was doing very bad in college. So bad that he was thinking about dropping out. But then something clicked in his mind. Dohicky was a coding whiz. He could code the most udeful and advanced cheating tool of the century. He got right to work. Within a week, he completed the first prototype of AutoScroll©. He instantly started to ace all his classes. When a teacher gave a lengthly assignment to do, it was completed within 5 seconds. AutoScroll© scrolled all the way down, and in the process, completed the assignment. All the teachers were suddenly suspicious, though. They tracked down Dohicky, but he was prepared. AutoScroll© made it so that Dohicky's bully, Vince Brown, was responsible for forcing Dohicky to cheat. After that, Dohicky graduated college. He then went on to hire his roomate and a few of his buddies, and then implement a highly classified AI that is even smarter than Chat GPT into AutoScroll©.

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